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A hook to execute a view function on a Move module.


Call this hook with the module name, function name, and optional arguments. It returns the result of the view function along with loading and error states.

import { useView } from "~~/hooks/scaffold-move/useView";

const { data, error, isLoading, refetch } = useView({
moduleName: "onchain_bio",
functionName: "get_bio",
args: ["0x74cf40ecf85e057b72e42b6c6e7ba883477b9c36394ab4bdca051d1340c9d058"]

This example executes the get_bio view function on the ONCHAIN_BIO Move module, with one address argument.


moduleNamestringName of the Move module
functionNamestringName of the view function to call
args (optional)any[]Array of arguments to pass to the function
tyArgs (optional)string[]Array of type arguments for generic functions
watch (optional)booleanIf true, the hook will refetch data every 10 seconds

Return Value

  • data: The result of the view function call, or null if not yet loaded.
  • error: An Error object if the call failed, or null if successful.
  • isLoading: A boolean indicating whether the view function is currently being called.
  • refetch: A function to manually trigger a refetch of the data.


  • The hook will automatically fetch data when mounted and when any of its parameters change.
  • If watch is set to true, it will continue to refetch data every 10 seconds.
  • You can manually refetch data by calling the refetch function returned by the hook.
  • If any of the args are undefined, the hook will not attempt to fetch data.