Display an address with a copy-to-clipboard icon and a visual blockie representation. The component offers the following features:
- Shows a shortened or full address format
- Provides a clickable link to the block explorer (can be disabled)
- Displays a blockie image unique to the address
- Includes a copy icon for easy address copying
When clicked, the address links to:
- The block explorer of the connected wallet's network (if a wallet is connected)
- The block explorer of the first network in
(if no wallet is connected)
This component is useful for displaying user addresses, contract addresses, or any Aptos address in a user-friendly manner.
import { Address } from "~~/components/scaffold-move";
import { useWallet } from "@aptos-labs/wallet-adapter-react";
const { account: connectedAccount } = useWallet();
<Address address={connectedAccount?.address} />
Parameter | Type | Default Value | Description |
address | string | undefined | Aptos address in 0x___ format. |
disableAddressLink (optional) | boolean | false | If true , disables the block explorer link when clicking on the address. |
format (optional) | string | "short" | Display format of the address. "short" shows first five characters, "long" shows the entire address. |
size (optional) | string | "base" | Size of the Address component. Options: "xs" , "sm" , "base" , "lg" , "xl" , "2xl" , "3xl" . base is default. |